Sunday, October 29, 2006



One might think that the end of Daylight Savings Time would be an ideal day to go to Disneyland, since a) everyone's sleeping late and b) it's a Sunday anyway. It worked last year.

Unfortunately, this year everyone from here to Santa Barbara had the same idea. The park was PACKED. It was so bad I opted to walk from the parking garage to the gate instead of waiting 15+ minutes for the parking lot tram. The line hadn't been that long since June.

So I decided not to bother with my usual Fantasyland route and beat it straight to the HM...which was down due to electrical problems. Well, I didn't feel like going anywhere else, so I waited...and was rewarded when the HM opened 10 minutes later. Let me tell you, it's NICE to not be packed sardine-style into the stretching room and not empty out into a crowded portrait gallery. (These problems seem to be exclusive to the HMH. Things generally run smoother the rest of the year, though to be perfectly fair there *are* often fewer people in line.) Oh, and the mummy seems to be missing from the cemetery scene.

Small World is currently down to install the holiday overlay, and I actually miss it.

The Matterhorn is down for rehab...not that I mind (my back problems keep me off the thrill rides), but I heard a rumor that a cellular transmitter is being installed inside the mountain (the closest one was destroyed last was inside a long-shuttered restaurant that was demolished). Dammit. Morons on their cell phones not paying attention are annoying enough *outside* the park. Ever had some inattentive yapper slam into you spilling soda on your new shirt and barge past, not even acknowledging their screwup?

Jungle Cruise skipper Christopher is brilliant. Anyone who makes really funny clean jokes at tourists' expense has my vote, so to speak.

Xmas Creep has seized New Orleans Square. Last year it hit NOS first as well, but sheesh, is it really necessary? Can't they at least wait until November to start hanging Xmas decorations? Oy freaking vey.

See you at Disneyland.


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