Monday, October 09, 2006

Well, HalloweenTime is a HUGE success. The crowds were so bad I wound up staying only a couple of hours (large groups of people make me nervous for some reason).

In my last entry I suggested putting tiny jack-o'-lanterns in Storybook Land. Today, what did my keen eyesight detect but a pile of tiny pumpkins in the wagon in London Park, and a jack-o'-lantern on each side of the Toad Hall steps. (If anyone from WDI or the paint department is reading this, will someone please refer to the August 24th entry and do something about Anne Bonney's hair? Thank you.)

Speaking of improvements, the hedgehog effect in Alice in Wonderland is being upgraded. The timing was way off, but it looked *so* much better, and the image is really sharp (old one was kind of blurry and didn't look as much like the movie hedgehog). Alice's rose is missing (the bloom was missing a while ago, now the stem's gone too), so her hands are cupping nothing. It looks odd, but that's bound to happen now and then.

The big metal apple in front of Snow White is missing, and it looks like someone got into the pre-show scene, since the props on the table appear to have been moved around (the queen's big keyring is even on the floor). Bloody tourists are tossing their trash in there, too, which really grinds my gears.

Well, it's getting late, and I'm tired.

See you at Disneyland.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you think of their considering expanding on the Pirates of the Carribbean theme by taking down Tom Sawyer's Island? I read about it in the OC Register last week.

9:12 AM  

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