Monday, October 02, 2006

Two visits last week - Sunday and Friday (aka the first day of HalloweenTime).

Seasonal changes include figures along the tram route, a heavily themed Main Street ( can you tell I love it?), a Halloween overlay at Big Thunder Ranch, and the Haunted Mansion Holiday. Maybe in future years Storybook Land will have tiny jack-o'-lanterns and such...I can dream, can't I?

The HMH has improved slightly - the timing of the breaking-glass sound is much better, and the Halloween carols have disappeared from the queue (now it's just the Phantom Manor music box track, which is beautiful). The blacklit portraits in the stretch room even look less garish than before. You'll have to look harder for the Monkey Bride in the attic this year, though (hint: she's on the left).

And if I weren't so tired, I'd elaborate more.


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