Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Don't go to Disneyland for a while.

I made this mistake on Sunday and found that Zonies have taken over Anaheim.

Zonies, for those of you not in the know, are Arizona residents. Now, I'm sure at least some of them are decent people when they're at home, but in California they're a nuisance.

Why Californians Generally Do Not Like Zonies:

*Their lack of driving skills (and persistent insistence on driving 10-30 mph below the posted speed limit) drives up accident rates, makes traffic even worse, and prolongs already hellish commutes. This would be bad enough, but it contributes to the already-high price of insuring a car in California.
*They invade the beach from Santa Barbara to Tijuana on every holiday weekend and all summer. This would be annoying enough (just ask my surfer friends), but they litter and chain-smoke on the beach (both are illegal and highly punishable in my city; not sure about the rest of the state).
*Arizona college students are even bigger party animals than SDSU students, which spells extra noise, vandalism, and random vomit puddles around hotels, motels, and any place that serves booze.
*They're stuck-up and ungrateful. Seriously, there are people in Arizona who actually think they are better than Californians and are openly hostile to any who move into town. They ought to THANK the transplants, since Californians who leave the state are willing to pay very, *very* well for a nice house and some land (real estate here is extremely expensive). This, in turn, raises the Zonies' property values. Are they grateful? No. And I've met a few who were extremely rude.
*A bunch of cheap bastards in Arizona decided to use a legal loophole to cheat the state school system out of tax money. Some months ago I read a story in (IIRC) the New York Times about some selfish Zonies who created a fake school district with no schools and no students so they wouldn't have to pay school taxes (AZ state law allows students to attend any public school as long as it has room for them). Public education is hands-down THE most important source of social stability, since it allows children from all backgrounds to actually have a chance at a decent life. Not paying school taxes is tantamount to stealing a child's future.
*"But it's a dry heat!" Do they even know how stupid that sounds? BTW, dry heat is bad for your skin and hair.
*They're just plain weird - and inconsiderate, too. I was an RA in college and every check-in weekend there'd be a handful of Zonie freshmen who showed up to check in at 2 a.m.; well after check-in had ended for the night. What, they couldn't have just left earlier? This, in turn, would wake up their sleeping roommate, they'd fight, and the housing office would have yet another problem on its hands. Half of them eventually flunked out, too.

I don't know why they're invading SoCal in October - shouldn't school be in session there or do they not believe in school at all now? But, I do not recommend going until every last one of them goes home. I will keep you posted.

See you at Disneyland.


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