Saturday, March 04, 2006

Let It Rain!

Seriously. It's been a ridiculously dry winter, even for SoCal. And dry winters have a bad habit of leading to summer wildfires.

So, when I finally gave up trying to sleep on Friday morning, I realized it was 7 a.m. and definitely going to rain. Ohhhh yes. Perfect for a morning in the park. So, I donned my long black microfiber raincoat and off I went.

The only bad thing (to me) about rain at Disneyland is that Alice in Wonderland can't be run (since a section of the track runs outside). Otherwise, it was fun.

I actually like It's A Small World. The song has never gotten stuck in my head. Go figure. Anyway, it looks like the Scandinavia scene (right after Canada) is missing one of its little musicians. Oooh, and when riding Storybook Land (got my own boat that time because there was no line, woohoo!), keep an eye out for the tiny red car down a mini dirt path from Toad Hall (just after you pass the little sign for the three mills). It's really easy to overlook, but if you can, take the time to appreciate the attention to detail. You won't even find that at Knott's anymore.

Did you ever notice that one of the puppets in Pinocchio's Stromboli scene bears an uncanny resemblance to the wooden Pinocchio dolls sold on every street corner in Florence, Italy? It's true. Couple of the mechanical toys at the end weren't working, but I doubt anyone besides me and the CM's working the attraction noticed. Nothing gets past me.

It's been over 10 years since the Skyway was dismantled, but if you get in the last car of the Casey Jr. train (facing backwards) you can get a few good glimpses of the old Fantasyland skyway station. I have no idea why it's still up, but it's there, half-hidden behind the trees. I don't know if the Tomorrowland station is still standing, since I rarely venture into Tomorrowland (and I can't remember the station's exact location anyway). Seriously, the Astro Orbiter is basically Dumbo with rockets instead of elephants, and my back problems keep me away from anything remotely turbulent (yes, even the Autopia...I trust the ride operators, but I don't trust the other guests to use the brakes properly). I'm looking forward to the return of the submarines, though.

Usually there's a small crowd at the Toontown gates when it opens. But, because the path dips into a 'V' there, the rain (which was pouring pretty hard) formed an ankle-deep wall-to-wall pond! Good thing I was already soaked from the knees down, thanks to a ride on Dumbo during the worst of the rain. The giant puddle was halfway up my calves when I exited after a spin on Roger Rabbit. There's only one way into and out of Toontown, so I can't figure out why those tourists were giving me odd looks. What else was I supposed to do, go chill out at Mickey's house and hope that Maintenance would pump out all the water? Ha.

When I finally went home, I left not because I was getting tired (I could've easily made the trek from Adventureland to Winnie the Pooh way out in Critter Country), but because I grabbed my purple Chucks instead of my boots (whoopsie!), and my feet were freezing. Silly me.


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