Monday, March 05, 2007

Opening time: 8 am
Weather: Mostly sunny, unseasonably warm (I didn't even need a jacket)
Crowds: It's not summer yet - go home! Shoo!

My alarm clock isn't working for some reason, so to put it simply I didn't arrive until after 9. The park was so crowded I decided to make it a short visit.

In fact, the crowding was so bad that the line for the escalator to the parking tram esplanade stretched back three parking rows and the line for the trams was (approximately) 20 minutes long. I opted to take the stairs, walk to the Pinocchio parking lot's pedestrian exit, and then hoof it on the half-mile-long walking trail to the front gate...even though I was wearing four-inch wedge heels.

Alice's fake flowers are missing (probably yanked off by some prankster), but the Cheshire Cat's rolling eyes are working again.
The sound is out in one Pinocchio scene (Monstro appears, then Geppetto calls for Pinocchio).
"Happiest Turkeys on Earth" sign missing from Big Thunder Ranch.

You know, it's the darndest thing, but today when my Doombuggy stalled in the Haunted Mansion, I noticed a small mantel clock with its pendulum swinging fast (meaning it works...maybe some prankster sneaked it in? A working clock really doesn't belong in the attic). It's among the junk near the third wedding portrait, but it's REALLY hard to see because it's so dark in there (I have unusually good eyesight, even in the dark). By the way, did you ever notice the brightly colored stained glass on the ballroom doors before? If you ask me, they definitely clash with the rest of the attraction. The mansion's grounds and interior overwhelmingly correspond to the late Victorian era (dates on tombstones and paintings, seance room, conservatory, all of the furniture and decor, high-necked long-sleeved wedding gown worn by ghost bride Constance), but that particular style is more 1920s Craftsman than anything else. (Speaking of which, today I saw four faux-Craftsman McMansions under construction on Harbor Boulevard near Santa Ana Street. I'm all for urban renewal, but Anaheim's a *poor* area. If you ask me, it would be grossly unfair to gentrify the city out of its inhabitants' price range, given that the next-cheapest areas all have the highest crime rates in the county.)

The pet cemetery appears to have undergone a little tree trimming - now you can actually see the falcon memorial from the front.

Overheard on Main Street: "I think there's a bathroom up ahead, but I don't want to wait in line." And you came to Disneyland at 11 am on a weekend expecting it to be empty or something? (Yes, it was a blonde girl who looked about 14.)

Shame on: Old lady commenting on the size of the turkeys at BTR, then making a crack about how good they'd look on her dinner table. God, some people really do have no shame. They were pardoned so they WOULDN'T end up being reduced to a mutilated, scorched corpse to be consumed and then forgotten. Never mind that turkeys are very intelligent birds, and it is entirely possible that they can understand some human speech (I wouldn't say this if my own cat didn't have an uncanny grasp of French...he may not be able to speak it, but he's indicated he can understand it on many occasions).

Double shame on: Jerk who lit up while walking through the west tunnel onto Main Street. People who refuse to find a designated smoking area before lighting up inside *Disneyland* of all places (think of all the little kids!) deserve to be run over in the parking lot and left to bake in the scorching Anaheim sun. They are rude, obnoxious, pathetic, and hazardous to all life on this planet. (I, for the record, have severe allergies. I look healthy, but I risk my health every time I go out in public, and have been a strong proponent of smoke-free public areas for years. I don't want to wind up in the hospital or dead. I just want to go about my normal life without having to worry about the very real threat of a serious allergy attack.)

See you at Disneyland.


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